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cations system. Therefore, surge arresters are installed in this   is attenuated (above 3 dB). In order to keep the reaction of
       case. BLITZDUCTOR XT combined arresters for protecting ter-  BLITZDUCTOR XT to the transmission system within permis-
       minal devices can also be used (Figure 8.2.13).  sible limits, the signal frequency of the signal circuit must be
                                                    below the cut-off frequency for BLITZDUCTOR XT. The cut-off
       Case d                                       frequency is indicated for sine-shaped signals. However, sine-
       The difference between case d and case c is that the relevant   shaped signals are not very common in data transmission.
       building has no external lightning protection system and no   In this context, it must be observed that the maximum data
       measuring and control / telecommunications cables are in-  transmission rate of BLITZDUCTOR XT is higher than the trans-
       stalled outside the building. Therefore, only surge arresters   mission speed of the signal circuit. When transmitting pulse-
       must be installed to protect the devices. As in cases b and c,   shaped signals for which the rising or decreasing edge of the
       combined arresters of the BLITZDUCTOR XT family can be used   pulse is evaluated, it must be considered that this edge switch-
       (Figure 8.2.14).                             es from “Low” to “High” or from “High” to “Low” within a
                                                    certain period of time. This time interval is important for the
       2. Which interference phenomena have to be    identification of an edge and for crossing “restricted areas“.
       prevented?                                   Therefore, this signal requires a frequency bandwidth which is
       Interference is basically classified into common-mode and   significantly wider than the fundamental wave of this oscilla-
       differential-mode interference.  Common-mode in-  tion. Thus, the cut-off frequency for the protective device must
       terference always occurs between the signal line and   be correspondingly set high. As a general rule, the cut-off fre-
       earth, whereas differential-mode interference only oc-  quency must not be less than five times the fundamental wave.
       curs between two signal lines. Most of the interference
       occurring  in  signal  circuits  is  common-mode  interference.   5. How high is the operating current of the system
       Therefore,  protective  devices  with  overvoltage  fine  limita-  to be protected?
       tion between the signal core and earth should be selected    Due to the electrical properties of the components used in the
       (type …E). Some input stages of devices such as isolating   protective circuit of BLITZDUCTOR XT, the operating current
       transformers  do  not  require  overvoltage  fine  limitation  be-  which can be transmitted via the protective device is limited.
       tween the signal core and earth. In this case, only gas dis-  For the application, this means that the operating current of
       charge tubes provide protection against common-mode inter-  a signalling system may be less than or equal to the nominal
       ference. Due to their different tripping characteristics, tripped   current of the protective device. In this context, possible short-
       gas discharge tubes may develop differential-mode interfer-  circuit currents must be considered and limited by adequate
       ence into common-mode interference. Therefore, a fine protec-  measures (e.g. backup fuses) in the circuit of the installation.
       tion element is integrated between the signal cores in this case
       (type ...D).                                 6. What is the maximum operating voltage which
                                                    can occur in the system to be protected?
       3. Are there special requirements for adopting the   The maximum operating voltage which occurs in the signal
       protective circuit to the input circuit of the device   circuit must be less than or equal to the maximum continu-
       to be protected?                             ous operating voltage U c  of BLITZDUCTOR XT so that the pro-
       In some cases, it is necessary to protect the device inputs   tective device has no limiting effect under normal operating
       against common-mode and differential-mode interference. The   conditions.
       input stages of such electronic devices requiring protection   The maximum operating voltage occurring in a signal circuit
       are normally fitted with their own protective circuit or contain   is typically  the nominal voltage  of the  transmission system
       optocoupler inputs to isolate the potential of of the signal cir-  when tolerances are taken into account. If current loops (e.g.
       cuit and internal circuit of the automation device. This requires   0 – 20  mA)  are  used,  the  open-circuit  voltage  of  the  system
       additional measures to decouple BLITZDUCTOR XT from the   can always be employed as maximum operating voltage.
       input circuit of the device to be protected. For this purpose,
       additional decoupling elements between the fine protection   7. Which reference has the maximum operating volt-
       elements and output terminals of BLITZDUCTOR XT are used.  age?
                                                    Different signal circuits require different types of signal trans-
       4. How high is the signal frequency / data trans-   mission (balanced / unbalanced). On one hand, the operating
       mission rate which must be transmitted?      voltage of the system can be provided as core / core volt-
       The protective circuit of BLITZDUCTOR XT has low-pass char-  age and on the other hand as core / earth voltage. This must
       acteristics. The cut-off frequency indicates the frequency value   be considered when choosing the protective devices. Due to
       above which the amplitude of the signal to be transmitted   the  different  circuits  of  the  fine  protection  elements  in  the

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