Page 251 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 251

BLITZDUCTOR XT protection module, different nominal volt-  protection level must be so low that it is below the specified
          ages are given. These are shown in Figure 8.2.4 and Table   immunity level of the device to be protected. Therefore, Yel-
          8.2.1.                                       low/Line products were subdivided into SPD classes (Table
                                              to facilitate coordinated installation of the arresters
          8. Does the switching of the decoupling impedances   for protecting automation devices. The surge immunity test for
          of BLITZDUCTOR XT to the signal circuit have any   these devices was taken as a basis for determining the SPD
          effects on the signal transmission?          class symbols. If, for example, an automation device is tested
          Decoupling impedances are integrated to coordinate the pro-  with test level 1, the surge protective device may only have a
          tection elements in BLITZDUCTOR XT. They are located directly   "let-through energy" corresponding to this interference level.
          in the signal circuit and may therefore have an effect on it.   In practice, this means that automation devices tested with
          Particularly in case of current loops (0 – 20 mA, 4 – 20 mA), the   test level 4 can only discharge surges without damaging the
          maximum load on the signal circuit can be exceeded as soon   equipment if the output of the surge protective device has a
          as BLITZDUCTOR XT operates if the signal circuit is already   voltage protection level according to test level 1, 2, 3, or 4.
          being operated at its maximum load. This must be taken into   This makes it very easy for the user to choose suitable surge
          consideration before installation!           protective devices.

          9. Which protective effect is required?      10. Shall a one-stage or two-stage protection be
          In principle, it is possible to dimension the voltage protection   used in the installation?
          level for a surge protective device in such a way that it is below   Depending on the infrastructure of the building and the pro-
          the destruction limit of an automation / telecommunications   tection requirements resulting from the lightning protection
          equipment. However, the problem with this type of dimension-  zone concept, it may be necessary to install lightning cur-
          ing consists in the fact that the destruction limit for a termi-  rent and surge arresters so that they are spatially separated
          nal device is often not known. It is therefore necessary to use   or alternately at one point of the installation by means of a
          other comparison criteria in this case. As part of the test for   combined arrester. In the first case, a BLITZDUCTOR XT with a
          electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electrical and electronic   protection module of type BXT ML … B is installed as lightning
          equipment must have a certain immunity to pulse-shaped con-  current arrester and an upstream arrester as surge arrester. If
          ducted interference. The requirements for these tests and the   lightning and surge protection measures are required at the
          test setups are described in IEC 61000-4-5 (EN 61000-4-5). Dif-  same point of the installation, a BLITZDUCTOR XT of type BE...
          ferent test levels are defined with respect to the immunity to   or BD… can be used.
          pulse-shaped interference for the various devices used under
          varying electromagnetic environmental conditions. These test   Note: The following solution examples show the selection of
          levels range from 1 to 4, whereas test level 1 has the lowest   surge protective devices of the BLITZDUCTOR XT family with
          immunity requirements on the devices to be protected and test   the help of the 10 selection criteria (SC). The result of every
          level 4 ensures the highest immunity requirements of a device.  single selection step is shown in the “intermediate result” col-
          For the protective effect of a surge protective device, this   umn. The “final result” column shows the effect of the relevant
          means that the “let-through energy“ related to the voltage   intermediate result on the total result.

                                     supply (l = const.)                           4 ... 20 mA
                                                              Pt 100

                                   measuring signal (U m  / ϑ)                     230 V supply
                                                                     4 ... 20 mA

                Pt 100
             measuring sensor        connecting cable               Pt 100  measuring transducer

          Figure 8.2.15  Block diagram for the temperature measurement

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