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mode interference in case of a lightning strike (> 10 kV) above   and to adapt it to changing organisational requirements, thus
       their transmitter / receiver impulse withstand voltage.  facilitating optimum management which increases the profit-
       Many designers and operators of such installations by mistake   ability of a property.
       assume that this also ensures lightning and surge protection.
       At this point, it is expressly pointed out that this voltage merely   Building  automation  (BA)  has  grown  out  of  measuring  and
       provides the insulation strength between the input and output   control systems on the one hand, and centralised instrumenta-
       (common-mode interference). This means that, when installed   tion and control on the other hand. The function of building au-
       in transmission systems, not only the limitation of common-  tomation is to automate all technical processes in the building.
       mode interference, but also sufficient limitation of differential-  Therefore, the complete installation comprising room automa-
       mode interference must be ensured. Furthermore, the integra-  tion, the M-bus measuring system and the heating, ventilation,
       tion of additional decoupling resistors at the output of the SPD   air-conditioning and alarm system are networked via powerful
       ensures energy coordination with the optocoupler diode.  computers on the management level (Figure where
       Thus, in this case, SPDs which limit common-mode and dif-  data is archived. Long-term storage of data allows to evaluate
       ferential-mode  interference, e.g. BLITZDUCTOR XT of type     the energy consumption and the adjustment of the installa-
       BXT ML BE C 24, must be installed.           tions in the building.
       More detailed information on the application-specific selection   The actual control devices are located at the automation level.
       of surge protective devices for measuring and control systems   DDC (Direct Digital Control) stations are increasingly being in-
       can be found in chapter 9.                   stalled. They implement the complete control and switching
                                                    functions by means of a software. All operating modes, control
                                                    parameters, desired values, switching times, alarm limits and
       8.2.2  Building management systems           the corresponding software are filed at the automation level.
       The increasing cost pressure forces the owners and operators   Field devices such as actuators and sensors are located at the
       of buildings both in the public and in the private sector to look   lowest level, the field level. They represent the interface be-
       for cost saving potentials in building management. Technical   tween the electrical control and the process. Actuators trans-
       building management can help to sustainably reduce costs.   form an electrical signal into another physical quantity (mo-
       This is a comprehensive instrument to make technical equip-  tors, valves, etc.), while sensors transform a physical quantity
       ment in buildings continuously available, to keep it operational   into an electrical signal (temperature sensor, limit switch, etc.).

                                                                                 Management level

                                                                                  Automation level

                                                                                       Field level

       Figure  Levels of building automation

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