Page 376 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 376

With an annual newly installed        separation distance
       capacity of some gigawatts, free           s            rolling sphere radius     pro-
       field  PV  power  plants  are  becom-                       depending on   air-termi-  tective
                                                                                nation rod
       ing an integral part of modern                             the class of LPS
       power  supply  systems  in  many
       countries. Today large-scale power
       plants with a capacity of 100 MW
       and higher are installed which are
       directly connected to the medium
       and high-voltage level. As an inte-
       gral part of a power supply system,
       photovoltaic systems must ensure   Figure 9.19.1  Rolling sphere method vs. protective angle method for determining the protected volume
       stable grid operation. In addition,
       possible production losses, which negatively affect the annual   be taken for PV systems > 10 kW of objects with alternative
       performance ratio of the power plant, are recorded by the yield   renewable power supply systems.
       monitoring system. Consequently, the investment volume and   The risk resulting from a lightning strike must be determined
       a minimum service life of 20 years require that the risk result-  according  to the IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2)  standard and
       ing from a lightning strike be assessed and protection meas-  the  results  of  this  risk  analysis  must  be  considered  at  the
       ures be taken.                               design stage. For this purpose, DEHN + SÖHNE offers the
                                                    DEHNsupport software. A risk analysis performed by means of
       Risk of a lightning strike to structures such as PV   this software ensures a technically and economically optimised
       power plants                                 lightning protection concept which is understood by all par-
       There is a connection between the solar radiation, air humidity   ties involved and offers the necessary protection at reasonable
       and frequency of lightning discharges. Regions with a high so-  costs.
       lar radiation and air humidity are more susceptible to lightning
       strikes. The regional lightning frequency (lightning strikes per   Measures for protecting PV power plants from
       square kilometres / year) and the location and size of the PV   lightning interference
       power plant form the basis for calculating the probability of   To ensure effective protection, a lightning protection system
       lightning strikes to the plant. PV systems are exposed to local   with optimally coordinated elements (air-termination system,
       weather conditions such as thunderstorms over decades.
                                                    earth-termination system, lightning equipotential bonding,
                                                    surge protective devices for power supply and data systems)
       Necessity of a lightning protection system   is required.
       Damage to PV systems is caused both by the destructive ef-
       fects of a direct lightning strike and inductive or capacitive
       coupling of voltages caused by the electromagnetic lightning   Air-termination system and down conductors
       field. Moreover, voltage peaks resulting from switching opera-  To prevent direct lightning strikes to the electrical systems of
       tions on the upstream a.c. system can cause damage to PV   a PV power plant, these systems must be located in the pro-
       modules, inverters, charge controllers and their monitoring and   tected volume of air-termination systems. Design according
       communication systems.                       to the German VdS 2010 guideline is based on class of LPS
       Economic damage leads to replacement and repair costs, yield   III. According to this class of LPS, the rolling sphere method
       loss and costs for using the reserve power of the power plant.   (Figure 9.19.1) as per IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) can be
       Lightning impulses also cause premature ageing of bypass di-  used to determine the number of air-termination rods. These
       odes, power semiconductors and the input and output circuits   air-termination rods form a protected volume above module
       of data systems, which leads to increased repair costs.  racks, operations buildings and cables. Due to the inductive
       In addition, network operators place requirements on the   coupling of interference, it is advisable to install generator
       availability of the energy produced. In Germany, these require-  junction boxes mounted on module racks and decentralised
       ments are based on e.g. the new Grid Codes. Banks and insur-  inverters as far as possible from air-termination systems. The
       ance companies frequently also require to consider lightning   high masts on which CCTV systems are installed also act
       protection measures in due diligence analyses. The German   as air-termination systems. The CCTV system itself must be
       VdS 2010 brochure (Risk-oriented lightning and surge protec-  mounted in such a way that it is located in the protected vol-
       tion) published by the German Insurance Association (GDV)   ume of the mast. All down conductors of these air-termination
       requires that lightning protection measures (class of LPS III)   systems must be connected to the terminal lugs of the earth-

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