Page 374 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 374

a.c. box (interface
                                                                    to cables laid on site)

                                                                                  a.c. power
          d.c.  =    =     =     =      =     =

          a.c.  ~     ~      ~     ~      ~     ~

                      a.c. cables (interconnected)

                           factory-mounted cables                  cables laid on site
       Figure 9.18.18   Example: Building without external lightning protection system; surge protection for a microinverter located in the connection
                 box of the on-site cables

       ¨  Buildings without external lightning protection  system   microinverters and lightning current carrying type 1
         =  type 2 DEHNguard M … 275 arresters for  alternat-  DEHNventil M ... 255 arresters at the low-voltage infeed.
         ing / three-phase current in close proximity to the micro-  Independent of particular manufacturers, microinverters fea-
         inverters and DEHNguard … 275 CI at the low-voltage   ture data monitoring systems. If data is modulated to the
         infeed.                                    a.c. lines via the microinverters, a surge protective device
       ¨  Buildings with external lightning protection system and   (for example DEHNbox DBX KT BD) must be provided on the
         sufficient  separation  distance  s  =  type  2  arresters,  for   separate receiving units (data export / data processing). The
         example DEHNguard M … 275, in close proximity to the   same applies to interface connections with downstream bus
         micro inverters and lightning current carrying type 1 ar-  systems and their voltage supply (e.g. Ethernet, ISDN).
         resters at the low-voltage infeed, for example DEHNventil
         M ... 255.                                 Solar power generation systems are an integral part of to-
       ¨  Buildings with external lightning protection system and   day’s electrical systems. They should be equipped with ad-
         insufficient separation distance s = type 1 arresters, for   equate lightning current and surge arresters, thus ensuring
         example DEHNshield … 255, in close proximity to the     long-term faultless operation of these sources of electricity.

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