Page 79 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 79

air-termination tip
                                           Parallel conector                      conductor holder with
                                           St/tZn  Part No. 307 000               loose conductor routing
                                           Roof conductor holder
                                           for metal roofs,
                                           loose conductor routing,
                                           DEHNgrip conductor holder      bridging braid
                                           StSt   Part No. 223 011
                                           Al   Part No. 223 041
                                           Roof conductor holder   KS connector
                                           for metal roofs, capable of
                                           carrying lightning currents,
                                           fixed conductor routing,
                                           with clamping frame
                                           StSt   Part No. 223 010
                                           Al   Part No. 223 040
                                                                                      roof connection

                                                                         bridging cable

          Figure  Conductor holders for metal roofs – Round standing seam  Figure  Conductor holder for metal roofs –
                                                                           Round standing seam

          Figure  Sample construction o a trap-  Figure  Sample construction on a   Figure  Air-termination rod for a dome-
                   ezoidal sheet roof, conductor   standing seam roof          light on a round standing seam
                   holder with clamping frame                                  roof

          Figure shows a conductor holder with loose conduc-  5.1.5  Air-termination system for buildings
          tor routing on a standing seam roof.               with thatched roof
          Figure also shows the current carrying connection to
          the standing seam roof at the edge of the roof. Unprotected   In general, class of LPS III is suited for such a structure. In indi-
          installations protruding above the roof such as domelights   vidual cases, a risk analysis based on IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2)
          and smoke vents are exposed to lightning strikes. In order to   can be performed.
          prevent these installations from being struck by direct light-  Section 4.3 of Supplement 2 of the German DIN EN 62305-3
          ning strikes, air-termination rods must be installed next to the   standard places special requirements on the installation of the
          installations protruding above the roof (Figure The   air-termination system for buildings with thatched roof.
          height of the air- termination rod depends on the protective   The air-termination conductors on such roofs made of thatch,
          angle α.                                     straw or reed must be fastened across insulating supports so

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