Page 81 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 81

Figure  Thatched roof      Figure  Historical farmhouse with external lightning protection system;
                                                       source: Hans Thormählen GmbH & Co.KG.

          If a thatched roof is situated next to metal roofing material and   requirements for buildings with thatched roof (IEC 62305-3
          if the building has to be equipped with an external lightning   (EN 62305-3)).
          protection system, a non-conductive roofing material with a   The ridge of the object is made of heather and is protected by
          width of at least 1 m, e.g. made of plastic, must be inserted   a plastic meshed network to prevent birds from taking away
          between the thatched roof and the rest of the roof.  the heather.
                                                       When planning the air-termination system, the rolling sphere
          Tree branches must be kept at least 2 m away from a thatched   method must be used to determine the protected volumes. Ac-
          roof. If trees are very close to, and higher
          than, a building, an air-termination conduc-
          tor must be mounted on the edge of the
          roof facing the trees (edge of the eaves, ga-  1 m
          ble) and connected to the lightning protec-          GRP/Al supporting tube Ø 50 mm
          tion system. The necessary distances must
          be maintained.                    1.5 m                           rolling sphere with r = 45 m
          Another  possibility  to  protect  thatched
          buildings from lightning strikes is to install
          air-termination masts which ensure that
          the entire building is  located in the pro-
          tected volume.
          This is described in chapter 5.1.8 “Isolated
          air-termination systems” (telescopic light-
          ning protection masts).
                                            10 m                                Legend:
          A  new  and  architecturally  appealing  pos-                               Down conductor
          sibility to install an isolated lightning pro-                              HVI Conductor
          tection  system  is  to  use  insulated  down                               (underneath
          conductors.                                                      2 m        the roof)
          Figure shows insulated down con-                                    Earth conductor
          ductors installed on a historical farmhouse.                                Test joint
                                                                                      Thatched roof
          A  lightning  protection  system  according   13 m
          to class of LPS III was installed on the his-
          torical farmhouse. This meets the normative  Figure  Sectional view of the main building

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