Page 127 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 127

As  an  approximation,  the  earth  resistance  of  a  strip  earth   The potential of the earth´s surface decreases as the distance
          electrode with earth rod can be calculated as if the strip earth   from the earth electrode increases (Figure 5.5.1).
          electrode was extended by the drive-in depth of the earth rod.
                                                       The inductive voltage drop across the earth electrode as the
                 R               E                     lightning current increases only has to be taken into account
                   A   l            +l                 for extended earth-termination systems (e.g. in case of long
                        stripearthelectrode  earthrod  surface earth electrodes in poorly conducting soil with rocky
                                                       surface). In general, the earth resistance is defined by the ohm-
          Ring earth electrode                         ic component only.
          In case of circular ring earth electrodes with large diameters
          (d > 30 m), the earth resistance is calculated as an approxima-  If isolated conductors are led into the structure, the full earth
          tion using the formula for the strip earth electrode (where the   potential U E  occurs.
          circumference π ⋅ d is used for the length of the earth elec-  In order to avoid the risk of puncture and flashover, such con-
          trode):                                      ductors are connected to the earth-termination system via
                                                       isolating spark gaps or in case of live conductors via surge pro-
                                       d               tective devices (see DEHN surge protection main catalogue) as
                     R =     E   ln
                      A     2                          part of the lightning equipotential bonding.
                              d      r
                                                       The magnitude of the earth resistance must be limited to mini-
          r    Radius or the round wire or quarter width of the strip
               earth electrode in m                    mise touch and step voltages.
                                                       The earth-termination system can be designed as a foundation
          For non-circular ring earth electrodes, the earth resistance is
          calculated by using the diameter d of an analogous circle with   earth electrode, a ring earth electrode and, in case of buildings
          the same area:                               with large surface areas, as a meshed earth electrode and, in
                                                       special cases, also as a single earth electrode.
                         R =       E                   In Germany, foundation earth electrodes must be designed in
                           A    3 d                    accordance with DIN 18014.
                                                       Conventional foundation earth electrodes are designed as a
                                                       closed ring and arranged in the foundations of the external
                               A 4
                         d =                           walls of the building or in the foundation slab according to
                                                       DIN 18014. In case of large structures, foundation earth elec-
                                                       trodes should contain cross-connections to prevent that the
          A    Area encircled by the ring earth electrode in m 2  maximum mesh size of 20 m x 20 m is exceeded.
                                                       Foundation earth electrodes must be arranged so that they are
          Implementation                               enclosed by concrete on all sides.
          According to the IEC standards, each installation to be protect-  In the service entrance room, the foundation earth electrode
          ed must have its own earth-termination system which must   must be connected to the equipotential bonding bar. Accord-
          be fully functional without using metal water pipes or earthed   ing to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3), a foundation earth electrode
          conductors of the electrical installation.   must be provided with terminal lugs to connect the down
          The magnitude of the earth resistance R A  plays only a minor   conductors of the external lightning protection system to the
          role for protecting a building or installation against lightning.   earth- termination system.
          More important is that the equipotential bonding is estab-
          lished consistently at ground level and the lightning current is   Due to the risk of corrosion at the point where a terminal lug
          safely distributed in the ground.            leaves the concrete, additional anti-corrosion measures should
          The lightning current i raises the object to be protected to the   be taken (PVC sheath or preferably stainless steel e.g. of mate-
          earth potential U E                          rial No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti).
                                                       The reinforcement of slab or strip foundations can be used as
                                 1     di              a foundation earth electrode if the required terminal lugs are
                   U = i R +        L
                     E       A   2     dt              connected to the reinforcement and the reinforcements are
                                                       interconnected via the joints in such a way that the can carry
          with respect to reference earth.             currents.

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