Page 200 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Low-impedance shield earthing                LPZs. This applies to interferences to be expected from the sur-
       Cable shields can conduct impulse currents of up to several kA.   roundings of the shielded cable (e.g. electromagnetic fields)
       During the discharge, the impulse currents flow through the   and for meshed equipotential bonding conforming to the
       shield and the shield terminal to earth. The impedance of the   standard. However, it must be observed that hazards can still
       cable shield and the shield terminal create voltage differences   arise depending on the installation conditions and arresters
       between the shield potential and earth. In such a case, volt-  may be required. Typical potential hazards are: the supply of
       ages of up to some kV can develop and destroy the insulation   terminal devices from different main low-voltage distribution
       of conductors or connected devices. Coarse-meshed shields   boards, TN-C systems, high transfer impedances of the cable
       and twisting of the cable shield (pig tail) for connection in a   shields or insufficient earthing of the shield. Caution must be
       terminal block are particularly critical. The quality of the cable   exercised in case of cables with poorly covered shields, which
       shield used affects the number of shield earthings required.   are often used for economic reasons. This leads to residual
       Under certain circumstances, earthing is required every 10 me-  interferences on the signal cores. Such interferences can be
       tres in order to achieve a sufficient shielding effect. Suitable   controlled by using a high-quality shielded cable or surge pro-
       large-area contact terminals with slipping spring elements are   tective devices.
       recommended for shield connection. This is important to com-
       pensate the yield of the plastic insulation of the conductors
       (Figure                            7.4  Equipotential bonding network

       Maximum length of shielded cables            The main function of the equipotential bonding network is to
       Cable shields have a so-called transfer impedance, which   prevent hazardous potential differences between all devices /
       roughly  corresponds  to  the  d.c.  resistance  specified  by  the   installations in the inner LPZs and to reduce the magnetic field
       cable manufacturer. An interference impulse flowing through   of the lightning strike. The low-inductance equipotential bond-
       the resistance creates a voltage drop on the cable shield. The   ing network required is achieved by multiply interconnecting
       permissible transfer impedance for the cable shield can be de-  all metal components by means of equipotential bonding con-
       termined depending on the dielectric strength of the terminal   ductors inside the LPZ of the structure. This creates a three-
       device and the cable as well as the cable length. It is crucial   dimensional meshed network (Figure 7.4.1). Typical compo-
       that the voltage drop is lower than the insulation strength of   nents of the network are:
       the system (Figure If this is not the case, arresters   ¨  All metal installations (e.g. pipes, boilers)
       must be used.
                                                    ¨  Reinforcements in the concrete (in floors, walls and ceil-
       Extension of LPZs with the help of shielded cables
       According to IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4), no arresters have to   ¨  Gratings (e.g. intermediate floors)
       be installed if a shielded cable is used between two identical   ¨  Cable ducts

       Figure 7.4.1  Equipotential bonding network in a structure   Figure 7.4.2  Ring equipotential bonding bar in a computer room

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