Page 199 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 199

metres between buildings. Especially with older installations, it
                                                       can happen that one part of the earth-termination systems is
                                                       no longer in operation or that no meshed equipotential bond-
                                                       ing network is installed. In such cases, interferences can occur
                                                       as a result of multiple shield earthing. Potential differences of
                                                       the different earth-termination systems of the building can
                                                       allow low-frequency equalising currents (n x 50 Hz) and the
                                                       transients superimposed thereon to flow. At the same time,
                                                       currents measuring up to a few amperes are possible which, in
                                                       extreme cases, can cause cable fires. In addition, crosstalk can
                         direct earthing
                                                       cause signal interference if the signal frequency is in a similar
               MEB 1       indirect earth-  MEB 2      frequency range to the interference signal.
                           ing via gas
                           discharge tube              The aim is to implement the EMC requirements and prevent
                          MEB 1 ≠ MEB 2                equalising currents. This can be achieved by combining direct
                                                       single-ended and indirect shield earthing. All shields are direct-
          Figure  Shield connection at both ends – Solution: Direct and   ly connected with the local equipotential bonding system at a
                   indirect shield earthing            central point such as the control room. At the far ends of the
                                                       cable, the shields are indirectly connected to the earth potential
                                                       via isolating spark gaps. Since the resistance of a spark gap is
                                                       around 10 GΩ, equalising currents are prevented during surge-
                                                       free operation. If EMC interference such as lightning strikes oc-
           1                   1´
                                                       curs, the spark gap ignites and discharges the interference im-
           2                   2´                      pulse without destruction. This reduces the residual impulse on
                                                       the active cable cores and the terminal devices are subject to
                                protected              even less stress. The two-pole BLITZDUCTOR XT arrester allows
                                                       direct or indirect shield earthing. A gas discharge tube, which
           3                   3´
                                                       eliminates interference impulses via the cable shield, can be
                                                       installed at one side between the cable shield and the equi-
           4                   4´
                                                       potential bonding system for indirect shield earthing (Figure
                                              Thanks to the combination of a lightning current
                                                       carrying  SAK  BXT  LR  shield  terminal  and  BLITZDUCTOR  XT,
          Figure  BLITZDUCTOR XT with SAK BXT LR shield terminal with   the coding at the terminal connection allows to change be-
                   direct or indirect shield earthing  tween direct and indirect shield earthing (Figure

                  shield terminal
                                                                    I = 5 kA
                  cable shield

                                                                   l = 200 m

                                                                  insulation strength U ISO  = 2 kV

                                 cable                                         U    2000V
                                               Requested: Maximum          R Kh     I iso     5000A    0.4
                                               permissible transfer
                  anchor bar                                                    0.4    10  3
                                                 impedance R Kh   l = 200 m  R        2
                                                of the cable shield         Kh  200m    m
          Figure  Shield connection  Figure  Shield connection at both ends – Shielding from capacitive / inductive

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