Page 201 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 201

¨  Ventilation ducts
          ¨  Lift rails
          ¨  Metal floors
          ¨  Supply lines

          A  grid  structure  of  the  equipotential  bonding  network  of
          around 5 m x 5 m would be ideal. This typically reduces the
          electromagnetic lightning field inside an LPZ by a factor of 2
          (corresponding to 6 dB).

          Enclosures and racks of electronic devices and systems should
          be integrated in the equipotential bonding network by means   Figure 7.4.3  Connection of the ring equipotential bonding bar to
          of short connections. To this end, a sufficient number of equi-  the equipotential bonding network via a fixed earthing
          potential bonding bars and / or ring equipotential bonding   terminal
          bars (Figure 7.4.2) must be provided in the structure. These
          bars must be connected to the equipotential bonding network
          (Figure 7.4.3).                              When using a star configuration S, all metal components of the
          Protective conductors (PE) and cable shields of the data lines   electronic system must be adequately insulated against the
          of electronic devices and systems must be integrated in the   equipotential bonding network. A star configuration is there-
          equipotential bonding network according to the instructions   fore mostly limited to applications in small, locally confined
          of the system manufacturer. Meshed or star configuration is   systems. In such cases, all lines must enter the structure or a
          possible (Figure 7.4.4).                     room within the structure at a single point. The star configura-
          Note:  The equipotential bonding network according to    tion S may be connected to the equipotential bonding network
          IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4) described above, which reduces   at a single earthing reference point (ERP) only. This results in
          dangerous potential differences in the inner LPZs, also inte-  the configuration S S  .
          grates the meshed equipotential bonding system according to
          IEC 60364-4-44 (HD 60364-4-444) in the structure. SPDs at the   When using the meshed configuration M, the metal compo-
          zone boundaries are connected to this equipotential bonding   nents of the electronic system do not have to be insulated
          structure along the shortest possible route.  against the equipotential bonding network. All metal compo-

                         Star configuration S  Meshed configuration M  Key for Figure 7.4.4 and 7.4.5
            Basic con-
            figuration                                                    Equipotential bonding network

                                                                         Equipotential bonding conductor
                                S                  M
                                                                         Connection point to the
                                                                         equipotential bonding network

            Integration                                             ERP  Earthing reference point
            in the equi-                                                 Star configuration
            potential                                                S s  integrated by star point
            network             S s                M m                   Meshed configuration
                                                                     M m
                                                                         integrated by mesh
                                                                         Meshed configuration
                                                                     M s
                                                                         integrated by star point
          Figure 7.4.4  Integration of electronic systems in the equipotential bonding network according to IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)

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