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possible to the points where the lines and metal installations
            combination 1        combination 2
                                                    enter the structure. The lines should be kept as short as pos-
                                                    sible (low impedance).
                                                    The minimum cross-sections listed in Table 7.5.1 for connect-
                                                    ing the equipotential bonding bar to the earth-termination
                                                    system, interconnecting  the different equipotential  bonding
                 S s                    M s
                                                    bars and connecting the metal installations to the equipoten-
                                                    tial bonding bar must be taken into account for equipotential
                  ERP                  ERP
                                                    The following metal installations must be incorporated into
                                                    the equipotential bonding system:
                   M m                  M m         ¨  Metal cable ducts
                                                    ¨  Shielded cables and lines
                                                    ¨  Building reinforcement
                                                    ¨  Metal water supply pipes
       Figure 7.4.5  Combination of the integration methods according to   ¨  Metal conduits for lines
               Figure 7.4.4: Integration in the equipotential bonding
               network according to IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)  ¨  Other metal pipe systems or conductive parts (e.g. com-
                                                       pressed air)
                                                    A corrosion-free earth connection can be easily established by
       nents should be integrated in the equipotential bonding net-  fixed earthing terminals. In this process, the reinforcement can
       work at as many equipotential bonding points as possible. The   be connected to the equipotential bonding system at the same
       resulting configuration M m  is used for extended and open sys-  time. Figure shows the connection of the equipoten-
       tems with many lines between the individual devices. A further
       advantage of this configuration is the fact that the lines of the
       system can enter a structure or room at different points.   Material  Cross-section
                                                            Cu                 16 mm 2
       Star and meshed configurations can also be combined in com-                  2
       plex electronic systems (Figure 7.4.5) in order to profit from   Al     25 mm
       the advantages of both configurations.               Fe                 50 mm 2
                                                    Table 7.5.1  Minimum cross-sections according to IEC 62305-3
                                                             (EN 62305-3), Table 8
       7.5  Equipotential bonding at the
            boundary of LPZ 0  and LPZ 1
       7.5.1  Equipotential bonding for metal
       Measures must be taken at the boundary between the EMC
       lightning protection zones to reduce the radiated electro-
       magnetic  field  and  all  metal  and  electrical  lines / systems
       passing through the boundary must be integrated in the equi-
       potential bonding system without exception. This require-
       ment on the equipotential bonding basically corresponds
       to that on the protective equipotential bonding in accor-
       dance with IEC 60364-4-41 (HD 60364-4-41), IEC 60364-5-54
       (HD 60364-5-54) and IEC 60364-5-54 (HD 60364-5-54).
       In  addition  to  protective  equipotential  bonding,  lightning
       equipotential bonding must be implemented for electrical and
       electronic lines (see also chapter 7.5.2) at this zone boundary.
       This equipotential bonding must be implemented as close as   Figure  Connection of the EBB to the fixed earthing terminal

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