Page 243 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 243

I t of a sinusoidial
                                     arc voltage U
           U (V)                                         melting   half-wave (10 ms)
              400     mains                              integral I t
                      voltage                            of the fuse
              200                                        in A s             250 A
                                                           100 000
             - 200  U 0
             - 400                                                      100 A
           I (kA)
               70      prospective
                       short-circuit                       10 000     63 A
                       current I kpros
                                                                   32 A
                                                            1 000  25 A
                 0     5     10     15    20    25               20 A
                                              t (ms)    no follow   16 A
                I (kA)        follow current I f                0.1       1         10     50  100
                                                                        prospective short-circuit current [kA rms ]
                                                              NH-gG fuse link nominal current
                                                              Let-through integral I t of the RADAX Flow spark gap,
                                                              e.g. in DEHNventil modular
                    0   10   15 t (ms)
                                                              Minimum melting I t  values of the fuse link
          Figure  Reduction of the follow current by means of the   Figure  Follow current disconnection selectivity of
                    patented RADAX Flow principle                 DEHNventil M with respect to NH fuse links
                                                                  with different rated currents

          In Figure it can also be seen that, during the melting   the required impulse current carrying capability of the arrester
          process, a voltage drop U S  builds up across the fuse which can   used cannot be reduced.
          sometimes significantly exceed 1 kV. For applications as illus-
          trated in Figure, the resulting voltage protection level   Selectivity with respect to the protection of the
          U S  + U P  can be significantly higher than the voltage protection   installation
          level U P  of the surge protective device used due to the melting   When using spark-gap based surge protective devices, it must
          of the fuse.                                 be considered that mains follow currents are limited to such an
                                                       extent that overcurrent protective devices such as cable pro-
          Field 3: Explosion                           tection fuses and / or arrester backup fuses cannot trip. This is
          If the energy of the lightning impulse current is so high that it   called follow current limitation or follow current suppression.
          significantly exceeds the melting integral of the fuse, the fuse   Only technologies such as the RADAX Flow technology allow
          strip can vaporise explosively. This often leads to the burst-  the development of arresters and arrester combinations which,
          ing of the fuse enclosure. Apart from the mechanical effects, it   even in case of installations with high short-circuit currents,
          must be observed that the lightning impulse current continues   are able to reduce and extinguish the prospective short-circuit
          to flow via the bursting fuse in the form of an electric arc.   current to such an extent that upstream fuses with low rated
          The lightning impulse current thus cannot be interrupted and   currents do not trip (Figure

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