Page 246 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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BXT ML4  __ __ _                             BXT ML4  __ __ _    C  = Additional limitation of
         BXT ML2  __ __ _                             BXT ML2  __ __ _       differential-mode inter-
                                                                             ference and decoupling
              type key                                      type key         resistors in the
                                                                             BLITZDUCTOR XT out-
                                                                             put for decoupling the
                                                                             BLITZDUCTOR protective
          E  = Overvoltage                                                   diodes from any diodes
             fine limitation                U p                               possibly present at the
             core  earth                                                     input of the device to be
             (limitation of                                                  protected (e.g. clamping
             common-mode                   U p                               diodes, optocoupler diodes)
                                                                         HF = Design for protecting
                                                                             high-frequency trans-
                                                                             mission paths (use of a
          D  = Overvoltage                                                   diode matrix for over-
             fine limitation                                                  voltage fine limitation),
             core  core                   U p                               limitation of common-
             (limitation of                                                  mode and / or differential-
             differential-mode                                               mode interference
                                                                         EX  = Protective device for use in
        BXT  = BLITZDUCTOR XT                                                intrinsically safe measuring
        ML4 = Protection module with integrated LifeCheck (ML), four-pole    circuits (insulation strength
        ML2 = Protection module with integrated LifeCheck (ML), two-pole     to earth: 500 V)
       Figure 8.2.2  Limiting performance           Figure 8.2.3  Special applications

                                                       BXT ML4  __ __ _  The nominal voltage
                                                       BXT ML2  __ __ _  characterises the range of a
                                                                         typical signal voltage which
       ¨  Type of signal (analogue, digital)                 type key    has no limiting effect on the
       Each of these electrical parameters for the useful signal to be   protective device under
       transmitted can contain the actual information to be trans-       nominal conditions. The value
                                                                         of the nominal voltage is
       ferred.                                                           indicated as d.c. value.
       Therefore, the useful signal must not be impermissibly influ-
       enced by lightning current and surge arresters in measuring   The nominal voltages for the individual types are indicated
       and control systems. In this context, several points must be   as follows:
       taken into account when selecting protective devices for meas-  Type     Nominal voltage U N
       uring and control systems. In the following, these points are   _E   = Core / earth voltage
       described for our universal BLITZDUCTOR XT surge protec-
       tive devices and are illustrated based on sample applications     _D   = Core / core voltage
       (Figures 8.2.1 to 8.2.4 and Table 8.2.1).         _E C   = Core / core voltage and core / earth voltage

       Type designation of protection modules            _E HF  = Core / earth voltage
       C    Additional  limitation  of  differential-mode  interfer-  _D HF  = Core / core voltage
            ence and decoupling resistors in the BLITZDUCTOR XT     _D EX  = Core / core voltage
            output for decoupling the BLITZDUCTOR protective
            diodes from any diodes possibly present at the input       U core-earth     U core-core
            circuit of the device to be protected (e.g. clamping di-  1  1‘  1      1‘
            odes, optocoupler diodes)                    BLITZDUCTOR XT     BLITZDUCTOR XT
                                                         2       2‘         2       2‘
       HF   Design for protecting  high-frequency  transmission
            paths (use of a diode matrix for overvoltage fine limi-  Figure 8.2.4  Nominal voltage and reference

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